- 100 Acre Woods AU
- 101 Dalmatians AU
- 4*Town
- A Christmas Carol AU
- A Frozen Heart
- A Frozen Monster in Paris
- A Hero's Guide to Deadly Dragons
- A Megamind in Paris
- A Miraculous Monster in Paris
- A Monster in Corona
- A Monster in Paris (2011)
- A Wrinkle in Time AU
- Aaron Mitchell
- Abbey Posey
- Abby
- Abby Park
- Abigail Callaghan
- Abigogo
- Abominable (2019)
- Abominable Guardians
- Abominable Hero 6
- Abominable Miraculous
- Abominable Tangled
- Abominable Trollhunters
- Abominable Wish Dragon
- Abominable and the Invisible City (TV Show)
- Abraham Van Helsing
- Abuelita
- Adira
- AdriZoé
- Adrialix
- Adriccup
- Adricest
- Adrieka
- Adrielsa
- Adrien Agreste
- Adrienette
- Adrienzel
- Adrigami
- Adrigaminette
- Adrigamino
- Adrinath
- Adrino
- Adventure Time AU
- Aeon
- Aess
- Agatha Gillman
- Agatha Prenderghast
- Agduna
- Agebend AU
- Agellope
- Agnes' Unicorn
- Agnes Gru
- Agnler
- Agulieta
- AgustÃn Madrigal
- Ahtohallan
- Aja Tarron
- Ajanellope
- Ajim
- Ajimxie
- Ajouxie
- Ajrel
- Akuma Island
- Albarney
- Albercole
- Alberto Scorfano
- Alberuno
- Alchemized Pixie Dust
- Aleathers
- Alebrijes
- AlexAngelo
- Alexandra Gonzalez
- Aliarc
- Alicia Hawthorne
- Alila
- Alina
- Aliro
- Alistair Krei
- Alix Kubdel
- Alixette
- Aljun
- Alma Madrigal
- Aloysius O'Hare
- Aluff
- Alvin and the Chipmunks AU
- Alvin the Treacherous
- Alya Césaire
- Alyacest
- Alyadrien
- Alyanette
- Alylene
- American Dragon AU
- American Horror Story AU
- Amphibia AU
- Amulet of Daylight
- Anastasia AU
- Anderson Observatory
- Andrew Morris
- Andrés Hernández
- Andy Davis
- Andzel
- Angel AU
- Angela Baker
- Anger
- Angida
- Angry and Red
- Angus
- Animal Crossing AU
- Anime AU
- Anna's Birthday Cake
- Anna Sackville-Bagg
- Annabela
- Annabell
- Annacest
- Annaler
- Annattias
- Annavis
- Anndrien
- Anne of Green Gables AU
- Anneep
- Annellope
- Anneret
- Annerlin
- Annette
- Annhoney
- Annisu
- Annolaf
- Annunzel
- Anthony the Weasel
- Antonio Madrigal
- Antonio Perez
- Antonirabel
- Anxiety
- Aquamarine AU
- Arabian Nights AU
- Arcade AU
- Arcade Prizes
- Arcadia Dragons
- Arcadia Oaks
- Archie
- Arendelle
- Arendelle's Crest
- Arendelle Orb and Scepter
- Aristocats AU
- Arouxie
- Arthur (Wreck-It Ralph)
- Arthur Christmas (2011)
- Arthur Claus
- Arthur Gillman
- Arthur Pendragon
- Artielocks
- Artlip
- Assassin's Creed AU
- Asthless
- Astoana
- Astranna
- Astret
- Astriana
- Astrid Hofferson
- Astroff
- Astrunzel
- Atali
- Atlantis AU
- Attack on Titan AU
- Audashi
- Audcest
- Audler
- Audrax
- Audrey
- Audrunzel
- Auntie Edna (2018)
- Austin and Ally AU
- Automaton
- Avengers AU
- Babe the Dragon
- BabyFire
- BabyFrost
- BabyFury
- Baby Tooth
- Back to the Future AU
- Ballerina (2016)
- Ballerina Coco
- Ballerina Dragon
- Ballerina Guardians
- Balthazar Bratt
- Balto AU
- Barbara Keynes
- Barbara Lake
- Barbie AU
- Barelsa
- Barf and Belch
- Barkk
- Barley Lightfoot
- Barleynona
- Barney Pudowski
- Barntip
- Baron Von Steamer
- BayBong
- Bayanna
- Baydashi
- Bayelsa
- Bayelsanna
- Bayfrost
- Bayguel
- Baygust
- Bayiley
- Baymax
- Baymax's Fighting Chip
- Baymax's Healthcare Chip
- Baymochi
- Bayoana
- Bayunzel
- Bear Owl
- Beauty and the Beast AU
- Beckwood
- Bee Sisters
- Beetle
- Beetlejuice AU
- Bela
- Belash
- Belle AU
- Bellroc
- Belt
- Ben 10 AU
- Bending AU
- Benjaya
- BenneFrost
- Berk
- Berk Dragon Training Academy
- Bernapunzel
- Bernard
- Berserker Tribe
- Bessie
- BewilderAlphas
- Bewilderjumper
- Beyblade AU
- Big Coco 6
- Big Coco Luca
- Big Dragons of Valour
- Big Guardian 6
- Big Hero 6: The Series (TV Show)
- Big Hero 6 (2014)
- Big Hero 6 (Team)
- Big Hero 6 (Video Game)
- Big Hero 6 (manga)
- Big Hero Bolt
- Big Hero Gone Wrong
- Big Hero Mitchells
- Big Hero Robinsons
- Big Hero Spies in Disguise
- Big Hero Two Strings
- Big Home
- Big Incredible Heroes
- Big Inside Home
- Big Inside Home Coco
- Big Lorax 6
- Big Transylvania 6
- Biley
- Bill Andersen
- Bing Bong
- Binglaf
- BioShock AU
- Bird Alarm
- BlackChristmas
- BlackGold
- BlackIce
- BlackSand
- Black Butler AU
- Black Rocks
- Blackcup
- Blanca
- Blaze
- Blazey
- Blinky Galadrigal
- Blinkycore
- Bliss
- Blithe Hollow
- Blobby
- Blue Exorcist AU
- Blue Pixie Dust
- BlushTear
- Bo Peep
- Bob Thompson
- Bob the Cat
- Bobble
- Bobblebell
- Boggans
- Bolt
- Bolt's Mark of Power
- Bolt (2008)
- Bolt (Video Game)
- Bolt Dragon
- Boltccup
- Boltenny
- Bolttens
- Bomba House
- Bongness
- Bonnie Anderson
- Bonnie and Clyde AU
- Boo
- BooSulley
- Boognes
- Book of Dragons (2011)
- Book of Life
- Book of Life AU
- Boollope
- Boov
- Bot Fighting
- Botfighting AU
- Boun
- Brabby and Nabby
- Brave (2012)
- Brave (Video Game)
- Brave Encanto
- Brave Hero 6
- Brave Incredibles
- Brave Moana
- Brave Red Shoes
- Brave Shrek
- Brave Story
- Brave Tangled Frozen Dragon Storks
- Brick
- BrickStar
- BrickTear
- Brickoyd
- Brill
- BroccoliMushroom
- Brother Bear AU
- Bruano
- Bruliepa
- Brumira
- Brunanna
- Bruni
- Brunless
- Bruno Madrigal
- Buanna
- Buckteeth
- Bufo
- Bug's Life AU
- Bular
- Bullseye
- Bungee
- Bunnelsa